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Day 22 of my #30daybloggingchallenge My worst habits

My worst habits.

A big gripe I have with myself is that I start something, but don't finish. You name it; fitness, organization projects, diets, I have started and then got stalled many times. But here's the thing: I don't want to just talk anymore, I want to complete what I start. I've started by little monthly challenges on instagram. I have discovered that with a little structure, I can achieve what I want.

Another bad habit is procrastination. I like to joke, "I'll do it tomorrowland." If I can put off something until tomorrow or the next day, I'll do it. Now that I'm back in college, I can't put things off. I have to tackle my tasks and keep my schedule up to date. I'm working daily to break this habit.

I'll admit it too, I can be lazy. I have the art of couch surfing down to an art form. There have been days I hung out on the couch most of the day, ordered pizza and binge watched Netflix until dark. This is why sometimes I have lapses in filming, I was just too lazy to do anything. 

I have recently been listening to the audio book, "Girl, Wash your Face" by Rachel Hollis. I have been waking up feeling inspired for the first time in years. The book spoke to me in ways no self help book has. What really opened my eyes was the statement that when I back out of things I've openly said I would do, I'm breaking a promise to myself. I'd never thought of it that way. I don't want to do that anymore. I deserve more and I deserve better.

I'm formulating a plan which I will discuss soon which will help me to do better with my goals. I don't want to be complacent and stagnant anymore. "Good enough" is just not enough for me now. I want more.

I'll keep you updated. TTFN,



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